Features:-User Friendly Programming and Simple to lnstall, Fully Automatic - No Attendant Required.
16x2wide angle alphanumeric backlit lcd display panel
Weekly programmable alarm(bel l) setpoi nts.
30 holidays programmable.(bellwill not ring on these holidays)
3 operating modes: Regular(60 setpoints), Exam(30 setpoints)and Special(30 setpoints) .
Manual push button to ring bell continuously or intermittently in case of emergencies.
Silent mode provided for unscheduled holidays. (no bell ringing during Silent mode)
Userselectablebell-Electric(coil)type orElectronicSoundBell(analogueoutputforPAsystems)
Audio module with SD card facility provided for playing wave bell sound files
(User can program 9 different bell sound file in SD card (.wavfiles) and insert in sound module)
Stand alone unit- no computer needed to operate.
Technical Specifications:-
Display: 16 x 2 backlit LCD display panel.
Keyboard : 5 x 1 Tactile keyboard
Relay Output : 5 Amps@ 24OV AC, resistive load.
Optional Audio Outputfor Model SBELL 801 1E
Time Base: TCXO based RTC (RealTime Clock)Chip
Memory Backup : Batteryless memory, Life span - 30 years.
Real time backup : Lithium Cell CR2032
ManualOperation: Through push button on front panel.
Temperature: Operating 0 - 50 deg C. Storage: 70 deg C
Enclosure&Mounting : Metallic, Wall Mounting.
Dimensions : 1 60(L) x 1 1 0(W) xBQ(H) mm ( Can change for newer designs)
Input :23O1240 VAC, 50 Hz.